Objective: Students will be able to create a piece communicating their idea of a phobia on a textured background consisting of music or words.
Process: 1. Research phobias or make a list of fears you or others around you may have. (Use the links if needed) This is where your Concept will come from. 2. Create thumbnails of how you would communicate your idea and composition. Try using the rule-of-thirds and foreshortening to add interest to your composition. 3. Practice with materials and techniques helping to communicate your idea. Remember, you want someone seeing this with this phobia to have a reaction. How are you going to communicate this phobia? 4. After practicing, use a 9" x 12" to finish your piece.
Requirements 1. Concept - Your idea - the phobia you choose to try and communicate. 2. Craftsmanship - The skill of the materials used. 3. Composition - How your work is arranged on the paper. 4. Process - In progress work. Thumbnails, rough sketches, etc. 5. Reflection - Looking back. What did you learn? What could change to make the piece more successful? (These questions are on the Grading Form)