Intermediate 2D Expectations/ Syllabus
Below are the "non-negotiables" for this class to maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Please select the link at the bottom to acknowledge you read/understand this information. The signing the Google Form to help create clear communication and gives you a chance to see where info on the class is found. Please contact me by email or write on the Google Form if you have any questions. Thank you!
Course Description
This class further develops on the concepts learned in the Introduction to 2D course and extends knowledge of artistic technique and historical content. A variety of media will be used, including, but not limited to, graphite, charcoal, ink, colored pencil, printmaking, pastel, mixed media, watercolor paint, and acrylic paint. Students will further their abilities to critically problem-solve, analyze, brainstorm, and reflect on their own artwork and artwork of others.
Intermediate 2D Art is for highly motivated students who are interested in the study of art and involves some time commitment. Intro to 2D Art is suggested before taking this course.
Grading (Grading will consist of 3 categories)
We will be using Schoology as our learning platform.
Turning in Assignments
All assignments will be turned in on a Google Slideshow the student creates. This will also be used as the student's portfolio as part of their Final grade. The Google Slideshow will be resubmitted for each assignment handed in.
Grading of Assignments
Larger assignments will be graded using a rubric (found in Schoology) based on Concept, Composition, Craftsmanship, Process, and Reflection. This are usually 50-point projects.
Smaller assignments only lasting a day or two will given a 10-20 point completion grade based on the skills demonstrated.
Explanation of Mastery
An earned grade of a "D" or above will give the student credit. An earned grade of "C" or above will give the student credit and mastery.
Electronic Devices & Earbuds
Cell phones, ear buds, and most other electronic devices must be put away and not visible throughout the class period.
The Escalating Consequences/ Behavior Interventions will be enforced.
Escalating Consequences/Behavior Interventions
Step 1: Verbal Warning
Step 2: Teacher/ Student conversation (this should be one-on-one)
Step 3: Teacher/Classroom Intervention/Consequence
Step 4: Contact the student's adult support
Step 5: Referral
Step 6: Discipline Intervention/Consequence
Class Fee
There is a class fee of $20 for the art class you are taking. This was stated in the course guide when filling out your schedule and during registration. Payments can be made in the office. The fee is used to purchase all materials given to students and non-consumables used throughout the course.
If you are absent for any reason, you are required to make up all work missed. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments and notes you missed. Unexcused absence equals zero points for assignments missed. Assignments and what was done in class can be found in Schoology under the "Daily Slideshow."
These are pictures the students draw from. Any projects turned in copied from a copy written source will receive a zero. Please help provide a method for students to print their references at home or at the store. They will be given a minimum of a week's notice to do so. Personal photos are highly encouraged. Good websites to find sources will be discussed in class and are found on this website. A good example is
Late work
Late work is deemed as any worked turned in after class time on the date the work is due. Please communicate with me if there are technical difficulties or other issues preventing you from turning in assignments. I'm will to work with students/parents if you are communicating with me.
Work may not be accepted late if the student was unexcused during any part of the assignment.
Missing midterms or finals will be graded as “0” until the student makes up the exam.
Academic Integrity
If a student is suspected of turning in work that is not their own, it will be reviewed by the administration and be scored as a “0” until the issue is investigated.
Food and Drinks
Food and drinks are NOT permitted in class. Students may bring water to class but must have a closed lid and placed on the floor. Written/documented medical exceptions will be made.
Google Form Verification
Parents/Guardians and Students,
Thank you for the time to read this. There is a lot of information and may take some time to wrap your head around this. Please select this LINK TO GOOGLE VERIFICATION FORM and fill out the form letting me know you have read this document. This isn’t to confirm you agree with everything, only that you are aware of how to access this information.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Email is the easiest way to get in contact with me at: [email protected]
~Mr. Ager
Course Description
This class further develops on the concepts learned in the Introduction to 2D course and extends knowledge of artistic technique and historical content. A variety of media will be used, including, but not limited to, graphite, charcoal, ink, colored pencil, printmaking, pastel, mixed media, watercolor paint, and acrylic paint. Students will further their abilities to critically problem-solve, analyze, brainstorm, and reflect on their own artwork and artwork of others.
Intermediate 2D Art is for highly motivated students who are interested in the study of art and involves some time commitment. Intro to 2D Art is suggested before taking this course.
Grading (Grading will consist of 3 categories)
- Projects/Assignments: Projects will be the assignments given over various periods of time. Points and projects will change from project-to-project. Projects will consist of 70% of the grade.
- Studio Professionalism: Ten points will be given on a daily basis for "21st Century Skills" (attending class on time, being respectful to other students, teacher and classroom/supplies, being prepared, electronic devices put away, and non-distractive behavior). These points will be taken away if any of the above are violated. These are 10% of the grade.
- Final: The Final will contain information demonstrated through projects and class discussion during the semester. This information will be made available to all students before the Final. The Final will be 20% of the grade.
We will be using Schoology as our learning platform.
Turning in Assignments
All assignments will be turned in on a Google Slideshow the student creates. This will also be used as the student's portfolio as part of their Final grade. The Google Slideshow will be resubmitted for each assignment handed in.
Grading of Assignments
Larger assignments will be graded using a rubric (found in Schoology) based on Concept, Composition, Craftsmanship, Process, and Reflection. This are usually 50-point projects.
Smaller assignments only lasting a day or two will given a 10-20 point completion grade based on the skills demonstrated.
Explanation of Mastery
An earned grade of a "D" or above will give the student credit. An earned grade of "C" or above will give the student credit and mastery.
Electronic Devices & Earbuds
Cell phones, ear buds, and most other electronic devices must be put away and not visible throughout the class period.
The Escalating Consequences/ Behavior Interventions will be enforced.
Escalating Consequences/Behavior Interventions
Step 1: Verbal Warning
Step 2: Teacher/ Student conversation (this should be one-on-one)
Step 3: Teacher/Classroom Intervention/Consequence
Step 4: Contact the student's adult support
Step 5: Referral
Step 6: Discipline Intervention/Consequence
Class Fee
There is a class fee of $20 for the art class you are taking. This was stated in the course guide when filling out your schedule and during registration. Payments can be made in the office. The fee is used to purchase all materials given to students and non-consumables used throughout the course.
If you are absent for any reason, you are required to make up all work missed. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments and notes you missed. Unexcused absence equals zero points for assignments missed. Assignments and what was done in class can be found in Schoology under the "Daily Slideshow."
These are pictures the students draw from. Any projects turned in copied from a copy written source will receive a zero. Please help provide a method for students to print their references at home or at the store. They will be given a minimum of a week's notice to do so. Personal photos are highly encouraged. Good websites to find sources will be discussed in class and are found on this website. A good example is
Late work
Late work is deemed as any worked turned in after class time on the date the work is due. Please communicate with me if there are technical difficulties or other issues preventing you from turning in assignments. I'm will to work with students/parents if you are communicating with me.
Work may not be accepted late if the student was unexcused during any part of the assignment.
Missing midterms or finals will be graded as “0” until the student makes up the exam.
Academic Integrity
If a student is suspected of turning in work that is not their own, it will be reviewed by the administration and be scored as a “0” until the issue is investigated.
Food and Drinks
Food and drinks are NOT permitted in class. Students may bring water to class but must have a closed lid and placed on the floor. Written/documented medical exceptions will be made.
Google Form Verification
Parents/Guardians and Students,
Thank you for the time to read this. There is a lot of information and may take some time to wrap your head around this. Please select this LINK TO GOOGLE VERIFICATION FORM and fill out the form letting me know you have read this document. This isn’t to confirm you agree with everything, only that you are aware of how to access this information.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Email is the easiest way to get in contact with me at: [email protected]
~Mr. Ager