Honors Art
Grade Level: 11-12 Length: Year
Prerequisite: Interm. 2D, or Graphic Design I or II $20 Class Fee - per semester
Course Numbers: 1st semester - AR2001.1 2nd semester - AR2002.2
This course helps committed art students pursue more sophisticated art media and develop a portfolio to be used for AP Studio Art. Projects are more complex and demanding. Knowledge of basic art is presumed. This is an extension of the Intermediate 2D Art course in which students will continue to work with a variety of media to an advanced level. HEAR
Prerequisite: Interm. 2D, or Graphic Design I or II $20 Class Fee - per semester
Course Numbers: 1st semester - AR2001.1 2nd semester - AR2002.2
This course helps committed art students pursue more sophisticated art media and develop a portfolio to be used for AP Studio Art. Projects are more complex and demanding. Knowledge of basic art is presumed. This is an extension of the Intermediate 2D Art course in which students will continue to work with a variety of media to an advanced level. HEAR
All student work may not be copied or printed without written consent.