Digital Photography
Grade Level: 9-12 Length: Semester
Prerequisite: None $20 Class Fee
Course Number: AR1330
This course is designed to offer students a basic understanding of photographs taken with a digital camera. Photographs will be manipulated using Adobe Photoshop and other industry standard programs. An overview of current social a career awareness as it pertains to the media will also be discussed. Cultural and appreciative aspects of photography will be incorporated in this course through instructional resources and production experiences. HEAR
Prerequisite: None $20 Class Fee
Course Number: AR1330
This course is designed to offer students a basic understanding of photographs taken with a digital camera. Photographs will be manipulated using Adobe Photoshop and other industry standard programs. An overview of current social a career awareness as it pertains to the media will also be discussed. Cultural and appreciative aspects of photography will be incorporated in this course through instructional resources and production experiences. HEAR
All student work may not be copied or printed without written consent.