Charcoal Cityscape
The purpose of this assignment is to help students “see” their reference more closely. Through the demonstration of contour lines, values, grid lines, and proportion, students will create a piece representing a photo reference. Requirements 1. Concept (Your own reference) 2. Composition (Foreground, middle ground, and background, and the placement of the main object) 3. Craftsmanship (At least 5 values: black, white, and 3 middle values, no gridlines, no major outlines.) 4. Process (Evidence of practice and a reference) 5. Reflection (Fill out grading form) Process 1. Choose a photo reference to draw from. 2. Get photo reference checked by teacher. 3. Get a 12” X 18” piece of paper. 4. Draw a 1” border on your drawing paper. 5. Draw a grid corresponding with the grid on your drawing paper. For example: A. 5” x 8” reference = 1” grid B. 4” x 6” reference = 3/4” grid (original photo will be cropped to 3.75”x6”) Other sizes of references may be used. Check with teacher for further understanding. 6. Draw a 2” grid on your drawing paper using light lines. 7. Create contour lines on drawing paper using light lines. 8. Turn reference and drawing upside-down to check for accuracy of line placement. 9. Erase Gridlines. 10. Shade the drawing by using cross-contour lines. Take your time…think ahead! 11. Include the darkest values from the value scale. 12. Turn in on time! Tips 1. Use the 4H pencil for the lighter lines. (Border, Grid, Contour Lines) 2. Place the bigger lines first. Big lines to small lines. 3. Turn paper upside-down along with photo to check for accuracy. 4. Create values going from light to dark. 5. Back away from drawing along with reference to check for accuracy. 6. Draw what you see, not what you know. 7. The more time you put into it, the more you’ll appreciate the piece. 8. Outlines shouldn’t show…use light lines. 9. Do your best! |
Student Examples |